Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bits and pieces

Went to have dinner with Fadhilah and Renny yesterday night. Two old friends from my Foundation study in RMIT 3 years ago. They are both going back for good next month. We went to eat Japanese and continued with Choco Fundae @ Max Brenner, just like heaven. Choco is always irresistable. Another farewell is coming soon :(

Finally I found the book I have been longing since Nov last year. The book called No Excuses by Kyle Maynard. Although I haven't finish reading, I would say, it's a MUST read. This book is about a 20-years-old man with his arms that end at the elbows and legs that end at the knees. It thought me that 'Nothing is impossible' in this world. What an inspiring story. When he made no excuses for his potential disability. Can't wait to finish the book.

My awareness is extremely intense. Something distracts me everytime I want to post a new entry in this blog. If I write too much, I might offend someone whom I mention in my entry. I have no intention to. Think, I was wrong at the first place to have exposed my blog. Coz, regardless of them judging me (I am over that stage), I don't want to offend them at all. Or make them feel uncomfortable with my honest expression.

Everyone around me now may not be able to support me as much as I wish they could now. Coz maybe some part of me is not doing the right thing. Yes, support is there, but they also don't want to let me down. I know what I am doing, and have to bare with the consequences. Of course, poeple hope for a happy ending. But at the same time, if things to do with feelings or maybe Love, U can't have it logically. I will just cherish the moment I have. Maybe I look like a fool, or too easy going. Too easy to go with the flow..yet, I never want to regret without trying. As long as I know when and where to 'stop'.



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