Thursday, September 08, 2005

Elina, devi and Irene

I had a coffee time with Elina, Deviani and Irene Tuesday, two days ago. We missed Stephani though. As always, we talked about everything, and everything was in details..HHmm..We always laughed as if we own the 'Lounge'*smile*. It was good fun, a little 'something' that actually helped me go through the rest of the week. Guess what, there were two strangers that approached us few minutes after Irene left for the Fashion event. Irene, you should have stayed a little bit longer. There are 1 Aussie bloke and 1 Vietnamese (Asian). Well, they didn't actually leave good impression, especially the 'half sober' Vietnamese. Nice and friendly, but no 'cya next time'..Elina was so good. Lucky we had her, she could 'tackle' them ;)

This Saturday I won't be working. I feel guilty coz I won't be earning money. Yet I need to pay for the PR seminar RMIT has organized for $44. But it is wise to think it this way, this is one of the best experiences to really get into the PR industry. At least have a 'glance' of what industry it is. So, it is worthed, isn't it? I have no experience at all in this industry. If I don't start getting my self involved, When? Hopefully, I will enjoy that day, and have a clear understanding of the career I wish I have had in the next 5 years.



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