Sunday, July 08, 2007

In a Garage

Guess where I am now, am in a garage. Am learning how to help in the garage, maybe. Just like a dejavu. I have always like cars, but I never know anything about car, plus I hardly drive (at least not for the past 4 years), but I never imagine myself spending time in a real garage. It is all in the movie I watch, eg. the HK movie Legend of Speed, and the American Fast and Furious, where I started my interest about cars. Assembling or re-assembling cars look like a cool job. Though I am sure, no one will look up at a panel beater compared to an CEO. Everyone might think, the better job is when you sit in an office instead of having the oil all over your hands. But I guess, everyone aims for the same thing, earn a living and the most important is to enjoy what they are doing for their life. "It's not about what I can do, but what I will do" (Kyle maynard). Thus, I believe, people with attributes are not necessarily good with what they do or what they can do. A more important point, I reckon, is the will to make something real based on their ability or capacity, their knowledge, their passion, their interest, will try their best and put the extra effort for something they enjoy doing and feel confident about. Agree?

I am still in holiday. Uni will start next month. Once Uni starts, my last semester indeed, I will probably struggle with my time. Well, priority is priority. What occupy me, this July, are Volunteer works with Champions (the Melbourne Racing Museum), People Outdoors (helping people with disability), Looking for a new apartment (have to move by the end of July, YAY!), part time at Nandos (yeah, still), plus garage.


Monday, July 02, 2007

I am now 22

Love is the grandest of choices.
When I looked back what I had last year, when I was 21, I realised I had so much to learn from. From one special person to another special then un-so-special person. From life with a bit drama to one with less drama.

Recently, I have made and done a lot of new (and Major) things that I have never imagined myself I would have done. I believe I have changed. Still the same person yet I have changed, and in a good way I guess. Often I cared too much about what others think and tried to aligned my ways of doing things with them. Outsiders do influence the way I think and act indeed. Often there is this need of justifying my doings with others' way of perceiving things. However, it doesn't always work nicely. Life is about compromises, especially with your loved ones/family.

I wonder, is that the way it is that once you have someone special, you'll automatically be a bit distant from the friends you hang out with. Is that the fair trade-off? Can you have both, or is it either one or another? Another discussion I have with my friends about how it supposed to be, I guess, all I want is that No one to be left alone or feeling left out.

All the beautiful things that you've given me have me treasure them. The moments are as important as the people who create the moments. I wish, everyone has the same faith as I have.
Question. Do you care more about what you get from others, or instead maybe what you have given others?